Sunday, November 05, 2006


Thank you Clair! How have I gone this long without knowing Sarasvati better than I did? I knew she was the Goddess of music, but I have read this morning that She also watches over painting, sculpture, dance and writing! Her beautiful picture is with Brigid on my board now. And yes! I cleaned my desk, which is never all that tidy, but at least you can see the desk now.

I followed a link to “Creative Goddesses” and found there my own Brigid, The Muses, with whom I am well acquainted, Sarasvati and Oshun, the Yoruban Goddess of love. It says she delights in the creation of beauty and art, sensual delights and self-adornment and beautifying your home. She is beautiful, but not quite my thing. Sarasvati, however, I needed to know better. Thank you again Clair. She is watching over
me now!

Along with Brigid - Brigid, whose name means "bright arrow," is the Celtic Goddess of poetry, healing and smith craft, which is sometimes translated as a metaphor for inspiration.

She is the inspiration to all bards and artisans, scholars and any who work with words. Brigid, is knows as the Goddess who survived. When Ireland was taken by Christianity, they could not suppress the devotion to Brigid. So they made her a saint and she was kept just as she was. St. Brigid's church in Kildare was built on a site sacred to Brigid. Where Her eternal flame had once been tended by 19 priestesses, now 19 nuns took it in turn to each tend the flame for a day and a night. On the 20th day, the Goddess (or the saint) tended the flame herself.

With me are the Muses. My own, of course, who changes who is on any kind of whim. The nine daughters of Mnemosyne, Memory are the expression through the arts of humankind's deepest memories and visions. Each Muse gives the gift of inspiration in a particular art form.

Terpsichore, who is the muse of dance is my oldest companion. I am well acquainted with both Erato, the muse of love poetry and Euterpe, the must of lyric poetry.

I am being joined in this different venture by Thalia, the muse of comedy and Melpomene, the muse of tragedy. Calliope, who is the muse of epic’s keeps coming in and laughing. I suspect that has something to do with my word count, and the fact that they don’t think I edit very well. I also suspect Thalia of starting it. She is like that.

If anyone else finds any other things they think I ought to know/see please send them!


Blogger Vi Jones said...

Oh, winnie, this is such fascinating reading. I am personally so familiar with Brigid. And to learn of Sarasvati is exciting.

It is obvious the the Goddesses look upon you with favor... your talent overflows and bathes the rest of us in wonder.

Hugs, Vi

7:56 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you Vi darling! Your words of encouragement are so beautiful! Have you ever considered being an author? HuMMMM??? :-)

Clair! I have a bulletin board by my desk, but I also have the side of my CPU turned right where my eyes rest. I have printed and have pieces of the Cheers! everyone has written, Brigid and Sarasvati. Happy Buddha and Ganesha are on top of the CPU, along with my Moon Goddess candle holder (candles pink and purple!). The Buddha just makes me happy, but the Goddess and Ganesha are working! I have my own painting of Gannesh in Obstacles on the wall. He is sitting on a yoga ball. Yep. I’ll do a complete inventory of my office and bedroom one of these days here, it’s . . .eclectic.

Now, from what I read Sarasvarti can be sitting on either a peacock or a swan. It is the peacock here, but I think I’m opting for a swan. I’ve worked in too many theaters where there is a superstition about peacock feathers. I have a friend who is a professional - if anyone brings a peacock feather into the theater she has to cleanse the whole place before she’ll do anything else.

I suppose Brigid wouldn’t mind being the maid. Here is an even better one. My daugther’s new mother-in-law is named Brigid. I’m going to have fun with that one.

Muses - the bunch of them are the equivalent of coyote sometimes I think! You should see what happens when Terpischore and Thalia get going. Calliope is the must of epics. I know several people who keep giggling over the fact that I’m going to end up with an epic rather than a book. My inability to edit my word count down is really rather legendary.

7:28 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Do you know, I've had to correct four different places where I wrote that some muse was the MUST of Comedy or Epic or whatever. Do you suppose that means something?

8:18 PM  

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