4,669 Words
Yesterday I spoke my characters names to the dawn. Today I came down to the fact that now they have to do what it is they are going to do. I began a journaling process, much like Julia Cameron’s “Morning Pages.” I am “dumping my head,” but I am dumping it of clues to just what is going to happen in this story. It is FASCINATING! Somewhere in my head, I have the answers and I am in the process of getting this out. It is like I am channeling myself! I’ve never read any where about this process for writing a novel, but it is working for me. It is like I am thinking in ink and suddenly things begin to appear.
I wrote 4,669 words today.
It sounds like a lot. But I wrote ten times that many words in my journal getting to the place where I could write this “scene,” this piece of story. It is not coming to me chronologically, but in pieces from all over. This will mean being able to organize it when I’m finished. Filling in spots that are empty - things that don’t connect. It should be quite a ride!
And this is what the process looks like artistically.

Surrounding the names of my characters are many, many paintings. All of these were made from those character’s names. There are so many different places these characters could go, so many things that might happen. Each painting depicts a different route, a different plot that is possible. They are very similar, but each one is subtlety different. Which will be the path that my characters will follow?
It is much like real life. One turn can make everything different, one choice can change the color of everything. Here I am looking at all these different, incredible possibilities. And listening to the voice inside myself that is telling me which way they will go - a voice that is spilling out through my hand, through a pen onto the pages of a notebook. Which one is right? What will happen?
All I can do is listen and write what I hear . . .
It is the dark of the moon on the longest night of the year. It is Ivy and Buddy’s birthday, but for Ivy things have never been darker. Today we found that against all the odds, Ivy’s friends have found a way to take her away to Darlingtonia after all. Darlingtonia by the sea - their private place of deep connections; of circles, memories and magic. Ivy can see that with the help of her circle, what looked like a maze she could never escape, is a labyrinth after all - the path leading to Center and leading out the same way. And she doesn’t have to walk that path alone. Emily, Arianna, Ray and Channa will be with her. And Brandy is flying in from Denmark to make their circle whole. Only Roxanne will be missing, Roxanne their mentor. But they will set a place for her, beside the place they set for Elijah.
“In Shakespeare’s Steps”
4,669 Words
I wrote 4,669 words today.
It sounds like a lot. But I wrote ten times that many words in my journal getting to the place where I could write this “scene,” this piece of story. It is not coming to me chronologically, but in pieces from all over. This will mean being able to organize it when I’m finished. Filling in spots that are empty - things that don’t connect. It should be quite a ride!
And this is what the process looks like artistically.

Surrounding the names of my characters are many, many paintings. All of these were made from those character’s names. There are so many different places these characters could go, so many things that might happen. Each painting depicts a different route, a different plot that is possible. They are very similar, but each one is subtlety different. Which will be the path that my characters will follow?
It is much like real life. One turn can make everything different, one choice can change the color of everything. Here I am looking at all these different, incredible possibilities. And listening to the voice inside myself that is telling me which way they will go - a voice that is spilling out through my hand, through a pen onto the pages of a notebook. Which one is right? What will happen?
All I can do is listen and write what I hear . . .
It is the dark of the moon on the longest night of the year. It is Ivy and Buddy’s birthday, but for Ivy things have never been darker. Today we found that against all the odds, Ivy’s friends have found a way to take her away to Darlingtonia after all. Darlingtonia by the sea - their private place of deep connections; of circles, memories and magic. Ivy can see that with the help of her circle, what looked like a maze she could never escape, is a labyrinth after all - the path leading to Center and leading out the same way. And she doesn’t have to walk that path alone. Emily, Arianna, Ray and Channa will be with her. And Brandy is flying in from Denmark to make their circle whole. Only Roxanne will be missing, Roxanne their mentor. But they will set a place for her, beside the place they set for Elijah.
“In Shakespeare’s Steps”
4,669 Words
Oh Clair! I am so glad you are running along side of me! If I knew anything about your sims I might try it! The fast journaling I'm doing is interesting. I'm asking questions and answering them. Do they live together? Buddy & Ivy do, Ray is doing her residency for Medical School, Channa is an actor in the off season and yes, she is living with Arianna right now. Emily still lives at home with her mother and her sister. Roxanne . . .
Stay tuned!
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