In Shakespeare's Steps
On Wednesday, November 1, 2006 I intend to become a Serious Writer.
And if anyone believes that, I have some swamp land just west of Oregon that I'd like to sell you. However, it IS true that on Wednesday, November 1, 2006 I will be joining a huge host of other writers in the dreaded and revered, month long extravaganza known as NaNoWriMo: National Novel Writing Month.
Between November 1 and November 30, I will write at least 50,000 words of a novel.

I hope everyone is suitably impressed with the fact that I didn’t say ‘attempting’ to write 50,000 words. This is all positive stuff here.
This Blog will contain excerpts from that novel and any stray words of encouragement that might waft my way. It will contain an update of my word count and possibly notes on the process. Probably a stray painting or two. Painting is always relaxing for me and I plan on spending time every day painting though these won’t be connected to the novel.
So far I am a lot more worried about getting my office cleaned and getting organized than I am about writing 50,000 words. Truthfully, writing the words will not be the difficult part for me. What will be difficult for me is organization. (The "O" word.) Organization is always a challenge for me, this will be no exception. The biggest challenge, of course, will come when all the writing and editing is done. Putting it on the street. That is the part we all will believe when se see it. (Where did all that positive stuff go?)
Though I have no intention of becoming a serious anything, I am going to be working on, well, working. I have provisional approval for the whole thing from my physician who said it would be OK as long as "you drive it and it doesn't drive you." That woman is SO savvy.
The instructions from my Massage Therapist say that I WILL get up and stretch every half hour. She didn't say, "if you feel like a pretzel and can't move in a week, don't blame me," she just told me to be sure I stretched carefully. Often.
My very good friend Nin Harris, who has successfully completed NaNoWriMo three times, will also be writing. Nin has very good advice, the first big nugget of which is: "just roll up your sleeves and write." In all the Fa-da-rol, it is the best advice I’ve heard yet. So that is what I will attempt to do. No. Take that. Reverse it. That is what I WILL do.
NaNoWri Mo has a very fun web site where you can check on my word count.
I am registered there as "Dryad."
The name of this Blog is the working title of the book. "In Shakespeare's Steps." The working genre is Young Adult, though that may change. They tell you to "write what you know." That is what I intend to do.
And so. Without further ado . . . or rather, with a lot of further ado . . .
I would like you to meet:
Emily St. Clair.
Channa Rosenstein.
Ray Andreason.
Brandy Byington.
Arianna Llewellen.
and Ivy Anthony.
Best friends. Odyssey of the Mind Team. Individually incandescent stripes in a brilliantly braided rainbow that just might be more than it seems . . .
Welcome to Ashland